• Paul Kingsnorth

    Masthead and all the other great pictures are by Alan 'Baggelboy' Rogerson.

    ‘Nobody would write a book if they were not in search of paradise, and nobody would be in search of paradise unless they believed it might exist somewhere.’

    Savage Gods. June 2019.


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    • Finnegas Essays | 19 March 2020 I would like to tell you a few things about this virus and the lessons it should teach us, all the things we should be learning. I would like to add my voice to the crowd and be heard above it. I would like to say: fish have returned to the Venetian canals now that…
    • Earth does not Speak in Prose Interviews | 20 November 2019 This conversation between myself and Charlotte Du Cann, writer and director of the Dark Mountain Project, was published in Dark Mountain’s tenth anniversary book. We talk about writing in times of collapse, unpicking language and how to build a culture that can speak with the land. In 2008, Paul Kingsnorth was working on two seismic texts. One…
    • Goibert of the Moon Writing | 20 September 2019 The child’s nose was pressed up against the glass display case, his dirty little fingers smearing whatever muck he had last eaten all over it. The condensation from his breath obscured what was on the other side. It made little difference to him, as he was clearly unable to concentrate on anything that wasn’t featured…
    • 全球没人能监控的聊天软件也要死了 — Telegram - 安全客 ...:2021-3-26 · 目前只有一个人拿到过这笔奖金,不过他发现的也仅是一个可能会导致问题的隐患。 不仅如此漏洞收购平台Zerodium 对Telegram的漏洞还开出了最高 50 万美元的报价,Telegram的安全程度可见一斑。 一个漏洞50万美金! 2、功能设置贴心 聊天记录不支持服务器 Film & Audio | 17 August 2019 通用mapper如何实现通用_fq_cxl的博客-CSDN博客:2021-4-13 · 首先,通用mapper的接口都是使用泛型,就可以保障所有类都能用。 要想让通用mapper实现自己构建sql语句,那么它就首先要知道我们实体类中的所有属性,这点可以通过反射来实现。通过反射机制可以获取类的所有属性信息,然后再拼接成完成的sql语句。
    • The Language of the Master Essays | 12VPN:在中国低调又好用的科学上网工具 – BAFA说:2021-6-15 · 我其实是不想把那么好用的科学上网工具写出来的,主要是最近太多朋友一直和我抱怨,工作、学习受到了很大影响,哪里还有好用的FQ工具啊,这才把压箱底的好东西【12VPN】拿出来了。 不管怎样,请大家遵纪守法,严禁非法使用。 What defines a human? What is the essence of what we are? Perhaps it is the ability, and the desire, to ask questions like that. At some level, the ‘culture’ inhabited by people like us – people who read, who write, who think, who worry, who accept these questions as valid – is a culture…
    • Life vs The Machine Essays | 27 April 2019 这两天想到墙外看哈,结果发现自由men,逍遥Y都不能用了 ...:2021-4-23 · 爱卡汽车论坛网为大家提供这两天想到墙外看哈,结果发现自由men,逍遥Y都不能用了?,让您对这两天想到墙外看哈,结果发现自由men,逍遥Y都不能用了?相关信息更加了解,更多精彩内容请关注爱卡汽车网论坛论坛。

    Much, much more writing can be found here filed under essays, reports, interviews, 求一个fq软件 and books.

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